Danny Blue & Ray Diesel Xxx Video

Danny Blue & Ray Diesel Free Xxx Video

December 8, 2021

Danny Blue makes movies. Indie movies. Since Danny doesn’t have much of a budget, he has a lot on his plate: he writes, directs, produces…and even scouts locations. Danny needs a big, expensive home for his next film, and he’s has located one. There’s just one caveat: the homeowner is eccentric. Danny isn’t sure what that means, but he knows a perfect location when he sees one! It’s so great, Danny’s willing to do things he normally doesn’t. The house is $1,000 a day…but if you suck my cock, I’m sure we can make a deal! Danny’s straight, which is even better for our eccentric homeowner. In fact, he’s a big, black man who prefers to fuck straight boys, and that’s what’s about to go down. Danny needs this location for his movie, and the Bull needs to relieve some of his built-up tension!!